Simply Brillant – Bill Taylor

Deutsch, deutsche Besprechung: Simply Brilliant: How Great Organizations Do Ordinary Things in Extraordinary Ways

Das schreibt der Verlag: "Far away from Silicon Valley, in familiar, traditional, even unglamorous fields, ordinary people are unleashing extraordinary advances that amaze customers, energize employees, and create huge economic value. Their secret? 

They understand that inventing the future doesn’t just mean designing mobile apps and developing virtual-reality headsets, or to social-media entrepreneurs hoping to launch the next Facebook. Some of today’s most compelling organizations are doing brilliant things in simple settings such as retail banks, office cleaning companies, department stores, small hospitals and auto dealerships.
William Taylor, cofounder of Fast Company, traveled thousands of miles to visit these hotbeds of simple brilliance and unearth the principles and practices behind their success. He offers fascinating case studies and powerful lessons that you can apply to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways, regardless of your industry or profession."

Starke Zitate aus "Simply Brilliant"

"There’s no such thing as an average or old-fashioned business, just average or old-fashioned ways to do business. In fact, the opportunity to reach for extraordinary may be most pronounced in settings that have been far too ordinary for far too long.“

"In most industries, it is not easy to be average. We choose to be extraordinary. It is a choice. The world will not demand it of you."

"In a world that is being reshaped by technology, what so many of us crave, are small gestures of kindness that remind us of what it meant to be human."

"Run your business like you own it. When you trust people to solve problems and make decisions, and then let them go, that’s when the magic happens."


Taylor zeigt in dem Buch, dass außergewöhnliche Unternehmen nicht Apple oder Google heißen und im Silicon Valley beheimatet sein müssen, sondern auf den ersten Blick ganz gewöhnlich wirken können. Der Untertitel fasst es perfekt zusammen: "How Great Organizations Do Ordinary Things in Extraordinary Ways."

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Ich bin Peter Kreuz: Herausgeber dieser Seite, Spiegel-Bestsellerautor und Gründer von Rebels at Work. In meinen Büchern und Vorträgen zeige ich, wie Führungskräfte und ihre Teams erfolgreich durch ein Umfeld der Disruption, Digitalisierung und Komplexität navigieren können und sich fit für die Zukunft machen. Mein aktuelles Buch: Vergeude keine Krise!